Colonics are an extended and more complete form of an enema. The process involves infusing warm filtered water into the rectum with the objective of cleansing and balancing the colon. Colonics help remove fecal material from the colon walls, and dilutes the bacterial toxin concentration in the large intestine. The therapeutic effects of this treatment are improved muscle tone, which helps facilitate the peristaltic action and enhances the absorption of toxic waste material. If we ask ourselves, “what happens with the waste material if we don’t get it out?” First, this material is quite toxic (poisonous). These poisons can re-enter and circulate in the blood stream making us feel ill, tired or weak. Second, impacted material impairs the colons ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria-produced vitamins. A build-up of material on the colon wall can inhabit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements and constipation.
Common signs that you may have toxic material include:
*back aches
*bad breath
*body odor
*skin blemishes
*abdominal gas
*sciatic pain
*distention of the abdomen
If you are wondering how often you should have a colonic, it is important to know the objective of why you want them when working with the therapist. For example, you want to remove a backache, headache, or recover from a flu, or even lower a fever, in these circumstances you may need only 1 or 2 treatments. However, if you would like to recover from having constipation problems, learn to create multiple daily bowel movements, or even achieve better health, then regular colonics may be beneficial. In addition, you should consider a change in your diet and exercise habits. The total number of colonics in your treatment plan depends on the condition of your body and how it responds to each treatment since each treatment will have different results.
Our colon is also populated with beneficial bacteria (flora) so some people often wonder if a colonic is harmful. When you receive colonics, you wash-out the old material so you are helping to increase the intestinal flora, because healthy bacteria can only breathe in a clean environment. Probiotic or wheatgrass implants or oral supplements may be indicated to help re-populate the colon. For example, a wheatgrass implant helps in the process of healing the intestinal flora. It acts as a detoxifying agent, purifying the blood, the liver, and is an excellent bowel cleanser. More importantly, it helps restore, balance and increase the intestinal flora.
A probiotic implant is also beneficial. The term probiotic means “pro-life”. Probiotics are “live microorganisms which when administrated in adequate amounts they have a health benefit on the host.” Studies have shown that probiotics help restore and balance intestinal flora and regular use can strengthen the body’s natural defenses. Probiotics reach the intestines alive and transiently colonize the gut. They improve intestinal function, improve the immune system and suppress the growth of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria.
There are two different commercial colonic systems which are approved by the FDA. They accomplish the same thing such as injecting water into the colon and flushing out the waste, but they accomplish this in two different ways. Both systems have their proponents, and it often comes down to a personal preference, or simply the availability of one system or the other in areas where there are a limited number of colon therapy establishments. If you are planning on having a colonic in a new town or changing to a new therapist, you should ask what type of system they have when you call to make the appointment.
OPEN SYSTEM: The big brand name for this system is Libbe. The system consists of a large treatment “lounge” which is a molded reclined that is fitted with a sink where your bottom will end up. In the sink is a small pencil sized nozzle attached to a short flexible hose. You will disrobe from the waist down, and as you position yourself on the table, you will hold the nozzle in position, and slide yourself down onto it such that it enters your anus a couple of inches. You will then recline on the lounge, head on a pillow, and try to relax.
The therapist will turn on the warm water which will begin to gently enter your colon. When you feel full, or have the urge to eliminate, you simply release into the sink, a bit like being on the toilet. The nozzle stays in place and you simply evacuate around it. The drain plumbing is clear so you can look down beside you to see what has been discharged from your colon. A small fan helps to remove odors.
The therapist may or may not stay with you depending upon the establishment. Some therapists will stay with you, massage your belly to help move the water around and dislodge the waste, and adjust the water temperature warmer and cooler to cause the bowels to move. Other places, you may be left alone to do your thing, and the therapist appears only if summoned or at the end of treatment. Again, this is a matter of personal preference. Some folks like to be pampered and attended to, while others prefer to be left alone.
CLOSED SYSTEM: This is what most people imagine when they think of a high colonic and the system used at Sanoviv. This system consists of a control box which is usually located near the end of a padded treatment table. The box contains water temperature and pressure controls, a “in” and “out” control valve, a lighted viewing tube to observe the waste, and various meters and gauges for the therapist to monitor the treatment.
You will disrobe from the waist down, and the therapist will normally have you lie on your side with your knees drawn up to get access to your anus. A large hollow nozzle will be fitted with a bullet-shaped insert to allow the tube to be inserted comfortably. The tube will be lubricated (and perhaps the therapist will insert a lubricated finger into your anus to lubricate it) and then pushed up against the anal opening. Some therapist will ask you to reach behind you and either insert the nozzle yourself, or help guide it into position. Other therapists will do for you. The nozzle, due to its size, is sometimes uncomfortable at first, but therapists are very skilled at making the insertion as comfortable as possible. The feeling of fullness will usually subside in a minute or two. The insert is then removed from the nozzle, and the hoses connected. There is a small clear hose for water being delivered into you, and a large tube for the waste. The colonic may be started on your side or your may be asked to turn on your back with your knees drawn up.
Warm water is then introduced into the colon. The therapist can tell when there is pressure in the colon from the gauges, or you may tell the therapist that you feel full. A valve is then opened and the waste is allowed to discharge through the viewing tube where you may examine what is being discharged. This process is repeated over and over for approximately 45 minutes under total control of the therapist.
Since the therapist has control of the filling and releasing of water, you have less control of the treatment. It is important to have confidence and trust in your therapist, since the therapist has control of your comfort. Safety is assured by controls on the machine, but your comfort is largely in the hands of your therapist. The closed treatment is usually highly effective whether you are experienced with colonics or not. Your therapist will most likely massage your belly and help manipulate the water into the deepest recesses of your colon.
Closed System Colonics, which our Hospital recommends, are performed with a disposable speculums and is used only once per patient, almost all our patients report this is a much more dignified and comfortable treatment compared to that of the open system method.
If you have the chance and the budget, I suggest you seek out and try both treatment systems and judge for yourself. You are certain to have a preference. To help you we will provide you with the website that has a way of helping you find a therapist, When you enter the website go ahead to Referrals, there you will enter the first three numbers of your zip code, which will provide you with the therapist most near your hometown.
Questions to ask a Colon Therapist
- How long have you been a therapist?
- Where were you trained?
- Do you use disposable equipment?
- Do you use implants?
- Do you do any massage?
- How long does a therapy take?
- How much do you charge?
Depending on where you live the average cost of a session is approximately $75 – $100 US dollars. Some places will give you a discount if you make appointments for a series.
Nadia Ramirez C.C.T.
Elizabeth Valdez C.C.T.
I have ulcerative colittis can I try this or will it be harmful?
Different pathological situations require a particular type of attention and the supervision of a experimented therapist. For example: diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, pregnancy of more than 3 months. all of these illnesses need a series of precautions.
With our patients here at Sanoviv we use Butyrate enemas instead of colonics.
Butyrate is fatty acid the synthesized in the intestine when certain carbohydrates are fermented during the digestive process. Butyrate has been studied for use in treating inflammatory bowel disease, and ulcerative Colitis in particular.
Butyrate also has been shown to be beneficial to the cells in the intestinal tract by combating inflammation, preventing cells becoming cancerous, reducing the effects of oxidative stress, and strengthening the colonic defenses. Butyrate enemas or implants have been shown to reduce oxidative stress in healthy adults, when compared to those a placebo enema saline.
Butyrate enema have been studied for use in treating ulcerative colitis. Some studies have shown the topical use of butyrate may help decreased the inflammation in the colon that is caused by ulcerative colitis. Butyrate enemas have the most effective in treating ulcerative colitis in the last sections of the colon ( called distal ulcerative colitis ).
Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any type of treatment.
Be well.
Thank you for that information, I want to try this as i have a bowel problem that no person can find the problem and it has been going on for 3 years.
Regards Glen
Now available in Spanish!
Are there any closed system therapists practicing in Manitoba, Canada?
Please check this website or look in your local directory for colonics in your area.