
Therapies & Treatment Options

Sanoviv Medical Therapies

Listed below are a few of the cutting-edge therapies available at Sanoviv. Keep in mind that some treatments are not appropriate for every individual. Your Sanoviv doctor selects the most suitable ones based on your health condition. Since Sanoviv is not an a-la-carte facility, these therapies are only offered as part of a comprehensive treatment program.

The specific treatments are most effective when combined with other complementary therapies that are administered in a unique environment. Many patients have found healing at Sanoviv using the same treatments they have tried elsewhere with little effect. This is because the medical therapies are provided in an ideal healing environment, and the synergy offers more powerful results. Don’t hesitate to contact an admissions representative for more information about recommended treatments.

The descriptions below are meant to provide a general overview of the therapy. They are not a guarantee of a successful outcome. Individual results may vary.

Sanoviv Cutting-edge Therapies

Amygdalin Therapy

Amygdalin is a naturally occurring anti-cancer substance known as a cyanogenic glycoside. It is sometimes referred to as laetrile or vitamin B17. This natural substance is found in apricot pits, bitter almonds, and apple seeds. Research shows the potential of amygdalin as a supportive anti-cancer therapy, primarily when used in conjunction with immunotherapies. Amygdalin can be effective for certain, but not all, cancers. When used in conjunction with a comprehensive integrative cancer treatment program, this therapy can slow or block cancer cell proliferation and growth. Sanoviv has a long, 20-year safety history using intravenous amygdalin.  It works best when combined with primary cancer therapies such as patient-specific immunotherapies.

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy uses essential oils to promote and improve well-being. Some scents are relaxing, and some are energizing. The benefits come from simply inhaling the essential oil aromas. Aromatherapy massage uses pure essential oils that are custom-blended for each individual. Physical and emotional health improvements are experienced through smell and skin absorption.

Artesunate IV

Artesunate is an Artemisia-based medication currently used worldwide for its anti-malaria activity. Artemisinin is the active ingredient in Artemisia annua, also known as sweet wormwood. It can be used to treat Lyme bacterium, co-infections, and their toxic by-products, which often hide in muscle tissues as well as the brain and neurological system. Compounds, such as artesunate, work well because they can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which is essential for treating Lyme and other chronic infections. Artensunate’s pharmacology and safety are well-studied and published in the scientific literature. At Sanoviv, Lyme disease, other chronic infections, and cancer may be treated using intravenous artesunate combined with other therapies.


Auriculotherapy is also known as “ear acupuncture.” Still, instead of using needles, a microcurrent stimulator is placed on specific points on the outer ear (auricle). It’s an FDA-approved treatment that is painless and non-invasive. Auriculotherapy helps produce natural pain-relieving endorphins, resulting in relaxation and improved well-being. It’s commonly used for smoking cessation, but it can be used to treat pain, migraine headaches, stress, anxiety, addictions, nausea, and other conditions. Auriculotherapy is a safe and effective treatment with noticeable improvements, usually after the first few sessions.  This treatment is found in our bioenergetics department.


Brainspotting is a revolutionary new therapy, used in our psychology department, that can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. Brainspotting can help in the treatment of PTSD, complex trauma, and other types of trauma that sometimes can make it harder for the body to heal or stay healthy. This therapy differs from traditional psychological therapy, as this comes from a brain/body model rather than a talk therapy model that focuses on thoughts and emotions. Learn more.


Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation (BEMER) therapy’s primary goal is to temporarily improve blood circulation and recovery in healthy muscles, including the small blood vessels and capillaries (microcirculation). This device uses Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) technology, producing waves at the low end of the spectrum. When blood flow is optimized to all tissues and organs, it can help reduce inflammation, improve energy, support relaxation, and ensure the maximum effectiveness of IV therapies.

Binder Therapy

Binders are substances that “bind” to and eliminate toxins. While your body can remove some toxins, binders can help when your toxic load is high. They may also help reduce biofilms in the gut, making toxin removal more effective (biofilms protect and hide pathogens from the immune system). Binders may be used to help clear toxin buildup, reduce gas and bloating, and prevent acute poisoning. Certain people have compromised detoxification pathways, which is when binders can be extremely helpful. Some examples of binders include bentonite clay, activated charcoal, zeolite, humic and fulvic acid, fruit pectin, and upgraded coconut charcoal. At Sanoviv, we use our UltraCleanse diet as a binder therapy and to jumpstart healthier eating.

Bioenergetic Therapies

Most people are familiar with the physical body, which includes millions of biochemical reactions that can be affected by food, lifestyle, and medications. However, many people don’t realize that we are also energetic beings with a body that generates electricity. All living things generate electricity to sustain life. The elements in our cells carry electrical charges to send vital signals to different body parts. The heart is a prime example. Electricity and blood flow are essential to maintain function.

In our Bioenergetics department, we use various tools and bioelectric therapies to restore balance and flow to the body’s energetic systems. These tools utilize various modalities to accomplish this, including microcurrents, waves, light frequencies, and magnets. Bioenergetic Therapies can support and increase the effectiveness of therapies done in other departments. This synergistic, whole-body approach to healing sets Sanoviv apart and contributes to the positive results that many people experience.

Biological Dentistry

Biological dentistry is a natural approach to treating oral conditions. Instead of considering oral health separate from the health of the rest of the body, as in conventional medicine, Biological Dentistry is the bridge between oral health and your overall health. Biological Dentistry goes far beyond the cosmetic look of your teeth to identify pockets of infection or blockages that may contribute to chronic health conditions. Dental problems can often correlate with current health conditions you may be experiencing and may contribute to chronic degenerative diseases, central nervous system diseases, heavy metal load, heart and blood circulatory problems, and more. Our Biological Dentists work closely with the Sanoviv medical team to identify and treat the root cause of disease. Dental treatments, materials, and procedures are selected and performed with the person’s complete health in mind. Learn more

Biotron with Magnets

This therapy, available in Sanoviv’s Bioenergetics department, uses pulsating magnetic fields (PMFs) to help oxygenate cells, increase energy, reduce pain and inflammation, and regenerate tissues. The Biotron uses magnetic wave stimulation and magnets (positive-negative polarities) to target specific areas of the body.

Body Code

The Body Code is a healing technique designed to identify and correct physical and emotional imbalances. The practitioner first evaluates your body’s energetic health. Next, trapped emotions are released, blocked energetic pathways are fixed, and the rest of the body’s systems are assessed. Body Code is all about restoring the energetic body to make conditions suitable for the body to heal itself. Learn more.


Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy has historically been used for mercury and lead poisoning. It is the preferred medical treatment to reduce the toxic effects of heavy metals. Sanoviv uses intravenous (IV) ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as a chelating agent. “Chelate” comes from the Greek word chele, meaning “to claw.” The EDTA’s molecular structure is like a claw that binds to metals in the bloodstream. The toxic metals are then rapidly filtered by the kidneys and released in urine.

Cell Therapy

All healing begins at the cellular level. When cells are strong, thriving, and functioning normally, the body is healthy. Weak, damaged, toxic, or mutant cells result in disease. At Sanoviv, we provide a healing environment with a particular focus on cellular health. Various therapies are used to promote cellular health, including immunotherapies for cancer and stem cell therapy for rebuilding damaged or degenerated tissues, These, and many other therapies, directly impact your health on the cellular level.


Chi Therapy

The Chi machine is a passive aerobic exercise device developed in Japan in 1988. It is based on the “goldfish exercise,” also used in the martial art Aikido. The Figure 8 goldfish movement occurs when you place your legs in the ankle cradle of the machine. This movement stimulates lymphatic circulation and oxygenates the blood. It relaxes the muscles and may promote restful sleep. It is essential for those who need to heal from chronic conditions but cannot do regular aerobic exercises, such as walking, hiking, or cycling. All Sanoviv guest rooms are provided with a Chi machine. Sanoviv considers this an essential healing therapy and recommends using the chi machine daily.

Chiropractic Treatments

Chiropractic is based on the principle that the body can heal when the skeletal system is correctly aligned, and the nervous system functions properly. To achieve this, practitioners use their hands, or an adjusting tool, to perform specific manipulations of the vertebrae. It can benefit people with structural imbalances and illnesses, or be used for prevention. Our chiropractors use a variety of methodologies, including Applied Kinesiology, to find the root cause of those imbalances in the body and assess if the cause is primarily structural, biochemical, or emotional.  They also work hand in hand with the medical, bioenergetic, dental, spa, fitness, and nutrition teams to integrate your care.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy, also called a colonic, is a safe and effective procedure where pure water is infused into the colon to help flush accumulated waste. It is sometimes combined with a wheatgrass juice implant for an enhanced detoxification response. This powerful detoxifying therapy is performed by a colon hydrotherapist certified through the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT). In addition to detoxifying the body, it may also help improve digestion. Learn more about Colon Hydrotherapy.

Cryotherapy Tumor Ablation

This is a surgical procedure where instead of removing the tumor, it is frozen in place, effectively killing the tumor. Afterward, it slowly dissolved into the surrounding tissues.

Dendritic Cell Antigen Therapy (Immunotherapy)

Dendritic cells are part of the body’s immune system and can be used as a potent, non-toxic form of immunotherapy to treat cancer. This therapy uses the body’s tumor tissue and white blood cells to create mature dendritic cells, which are then reintroduced into the body to activate the T-cells, the immune system cells that fight and destroy cancer tumor cells. Dendritic cell therapy helps address the circulating tumor cells to reduce the risk of metastasis. Learn more about Dendritic Cell Antigen Therapy

Dental Amalgam Removal

Mercury is toxic and accumulates in the body. It’s a hazardous substance. Mercury is continuously emitted from silver fillings and absorbed and retained in the body. It’s released through chewing, teeth-grinding, and drinking hot liquids. It can also be released during the placement and removal of tooth fillings. The brain, kidneys, lungs, liver, and digestive tract are especially vulnerable to mercury’s adverse health effects.

Dental amalgams (silver-colored tooth fillings) contain about 50% mercury. Since research consistently shows that these fillings emit mercury vapors, they must be removed a certain way. Sanoviv follows the protocol from the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) for amalgam removal, called the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART). Learn more.

Dental Surgeries (Biological)

When pockets of infection form in the oral cavity, they can affect the overall health of the individual and contribute to chronic disease.  In our Biological Dentistry department cavitation surgeries can put these patients back on the road to health. Learn more

Enema Therapy

Enemas help cleanse the colon and reduce toxic build-up. Pure water enemas are commonly used to help relieve constipation, helping to keep this detoxification pathway (colon) open to allow the regular elimination of toxins and waste. Coffee enemas can help stimulate bile flow from the liver, which enables the body to break down fats and remove toxins. Each Sanoviv guest room has a built-in enema station to underscore the importance of detoxification. A complimentary enema bucket is provided as part of each Sanoviv medical program for use during your stay and at home.

Enzyme Therapies

Enzymes are well known in the physiology of digestion. In cancer patients or patients with chronic diseases, digestion and nutrition absorption are often significantly compromised. Enzymes can help reduce systemic inflammation, improve digestion, and may have anti-tumor effects.


Equiscope therapy is among the most effective methods of pain relief and wellness support. Our bodies function through low-voltage conductivity. Currents flow through connective tissues, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone, and neurological pathways to the brain. When a person is injured, the body’s conductivity is altered. The Equiscope delivers an advanced form of microcurrent to the body’s affected areas and supports the body at the cellular and neurological levels. It’s a non-drug, non-invasive, painless, and effective therapy that can reduce pain, accelerate recovery, help detoxify, optimize performance, and improve overall wellness.

Fitness and Movement

Physical activity is essential to healing from chronic or degenerative conditions. However, the exercise program needs to be customized to support the person’s specific needs. At Sanoviv, our focus is on health-related fitness. Our fitness professionals offer a wide range of services, including developing new exercise programs, modifying current plans, and working within a person’s current abilities. A customized fitness assessment helps our team understand each person’s health condition and limitations. Individual sessions help the guest achieve personal movement goals.

FMT – Fecal Microbiota Transplant

Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is a procedure in which fecal matter is collected from a properly screened donor, mixed with a saline or other solution, strained, and placed in a patient by colonoscopy. 

The purpose of fecal transplant is to replace good bacteria that have been killed or suppressed, usually by antibiotics, causing harmful bacteria, such as Clostridium difficile or C. diff., to over-populate the colon. C. Diff colitis is a debilitating, sometimes fatal diarrhea. FMT can also add biodiversity to the microbiome that was missing at birth, thereby improving many bodily functions.  Fecal transplants have shown promising results in treating other digestive conditions, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, and some autoimmune conditions. Many different health conditions are currently being studied.

The fecal transplant was first documented in 4th-century China and has been used regularly for decades in many countries as the treatment of choice for C. diff. It has been used in the U.S. sporadically since the 1950s, but it has recently gained popularity and scientific acceptance. Unfortunately, many areas still limit its use to only those patients with C. diff, ignoring the many other effective uses.  And, there are a limited number of physicians serving the large population needing the treatment. It has a success rate of over 90% for treating recurrent C. diff infection.

With FMT, transplant material is obtained from healthy donors who are carefully screened for a wide variety of chronic illnesses, and have a diverse and balanced microbiome. 

Glutathione IV

Glutathione is our body’s internal antioxidant. It is one of the most critical molecules for staying healthy and preventing chronic disease. It is often referred to as the “master antioxidant.” The liver produces glutathione as needed through the process of cell signaling. However, toxins from poor diet or the environment, stress, medications, and degenerative diseases rapidly deplete our glutathione. This leaves us more susceptible to cellular damage from oxidative stress.  And, as the liver gets overloaded with work, it becomes unable to effectively do its job of detoxification.

At Sanoviv, we incorporate intravenous glutathione treatment into almost all our medical programs. This treatment effectively detoxifies the body from heavy metals, chemicals, and other toxins. Moreover, glutathione is vital in recycling other antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and lipoic acid. Its significance extends beyond the recovery from chronic illnesses, as it is also essential for disease prevention and maintaining optimal health. An extensive body of over 70,000 medical articles underscores the importance of glutathione.


At Sanoviv we regularly offer our guests homeopathic treatments for their health issues. We have trained staff in Classical Homeopathy and Homotoxicology, and we apply both disciplines depending on the nature of the illness or the desired therapeutic effect. Learn more about homeopathy and homotoxicology at Sanoviv.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

HBOT therapy can improve the oxygenation levels and saturation in the body. It can promote the growth of new blood vessels resulting in the increase of blood flow, which can be helpful in heart conditions. It also promotes the production of antioxidants and is recommended for anti-aging purposes. Sanoviv has three hard-shell, professional hyperbaric oxygen chambers.  HBOT can increase the oxygen concentration in the body 10 to 15 times more than what is delivered at normal atmospheric levels or at sea level, allowing the oxygen to reach tissues with compromised circulatory function and increasing the oxygen entering the blood stream.  This allows the oxygen to reach difficult parts of the body like bones, plasma, the brain and central nervous system as well as the lymphatic system, and aid in healing.  Learn more


Therapeutic hyperthermia refers to heating the body in a specific way to treat illness directly or intensify the effect of other therapies.  Hyperthermia is a powerful immunotherapy, as well as a proven primary treatment for chronic infectious diseases.  At Sanoviv we use both Regional Hyperthermia (using the Celsius 42+ equipment from Germany) and Whole Body Whole Body Hyperthermia (using the Heckel HT3000 equipment from Germany).  To be effective, hyperthermia must be done with high quality equipment in a hospital setting and an environment of detoxification.  Using an inferior heat source or method may technically be referred to hyperthermia, but will not have the advanced therapeutic effect found at Sanoviv.

Immune Modulation Therapies

Immune Modulation therapy brings the ratio of different types of immune cells back into balance so that they can perform their critical function to search, detect, and destroy foreign or diseased cells.  Balancing the immune system is much better than simply stimulating the immune system (which could cause it to over react and attack healthy cells).  Restoring healthy immune function is especially important for those with cancer.  There are various types of therapies that modulate the immune system, including Transfer Factor, Peptide Therapies, T-Cell Modulators, etc.


Immunotherapy refers to a whole category of treatments that work WITH the immune system, in contrast with other types of cancer therapies that suppress the immune system and attempt to attack the cancer directly.  Immunotherapies have been around for many years but are just getting the attention of the traditional medical community.  Examples of immunotherapies include Dendritic Cell Antigen Therapy, Hyperthermia, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Ozone, T-Cell Modulation (TCM) therapies, Specific Tumor Vaccines, and many more.

Low dose chemotherapy with target therapy

Conventional cancer therapies such as chemotherapy are rarely used at Sanoviv because our first choice is to pursue natural therapies, such as immunotherapy.  However, there are cases when targeted, low dose chemotherapies can contribute to the overall healing strategy for a patient.  

Low dose radiation (IMRT) enhanced by regional hyperthermia

In rare circumstances where our doctors feel that radiotherapy could enhance the patient’s overall healing strategy, it may be used in conjunction with other therapies such as regional hyperthermia to enhance the effect.

Lymphatic Massage

A medical spa therapy that promotes the healthy flow of lymph, which carries waste out of the tissues.  It can reduce blockages in the lymphatic system, sooth swelling in the lymph area, and help clear/drain the lymphatic system.   Lymphatic massage is one of the many ways we stimulate the lymphatic system, an important detox pathway.

Major Autohemotherapy with UV

Ozone therapy, administered directly into the bloodstream is called Major Autohemotherapy.  It can enhance your antioxidant enzymes, improving your ability to modulate oxidative stress, improve delivery of oxygen, activate and modulate immune and growth factors, increase the release of nitric oxide, generate super-gifted erythrocytes, and release stem cells.  Blood is passed through a UV filter which can help to reduce or eliminate unwanted bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and other pathogens.

Metabolic Cancer Therapies

Increasing evidence indicates that cancer can be considered a metabolic disease because malignant cells change the way they function.  They become increasingly dependent on glucose and glutamine as energy sources and change the way they respond to their environment.  This contributes to their rapid growth.  But, it also reveals potential weaknesses.  Sanoviv uses specific metabolic cancer protocols to exploit these weaknesses, which supports and enhances the effectiveness of other cancer therapies. These protocols include dietary changes to significantly reduce glucose, and therapies to increase oxygen levels, all carefully timed for maximum effectiveness.

Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue was initially used as a textile dye, but over time, scientists discovered its therapeutic effects on human health with antimalarial, antibiotic, and antipsychotic potential. Today, methylene blue has a wide range of clinical applications in medical diagnostics and treatments, ranging from neurology to infectious diseases. However, its anti-oxidative properties bring new attention to this century-old medication. Learn more.

Mind/Body Therapy

The Mind/Body Therapy Department at Sanoviv offers a variety of treatment modalities designed to reduce stress, heal emotional wounds and change limiting patterns affecting physical, mental, and emotional health. The therapies used are validated by years of research and clinical studies. Each practitioner chooses the most relevant and effective therapy for each guest based upon their immediate needs and their willingness to learn new stress reduction tools.
Therapies may include:

  • NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique)
  • Body Code
  • NLP  (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
  • FAST (First Aid Stress Tool)
  • Laughter Yoga
MRT – Matrix Regeneration Therapy

Soft connective tissues, often called matrix, can become overloaded by environmental toxins, stress, and inflammation.  The matrix connects the vascular, lymph and nervous system with the organ cells, so when compromised, it can result in chronic conditions, allergies, immune problems, etc. MRT is designed to free the soft connective tissue from environmental and metabolic waste and to strengthen the immune and connective tissue cells.  This medical spa therapy links three holistic methods to one treatment:  petechial suction, rhythmic direct current, and bio-information therapy.

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

NET or Neuro Emotional Technique, is a type of therapy that focuses on releasing “stuck” stress patterns that can affect our healing. Many of these patterns come from past negative experiences that have not been fully resolved. NET uses a combination of the latest scientific research and ancient Eastern healing techniques to release these emotions in a short period of time. NET acknowledges the relationship between stress, environmental toxicity, nutritional balance and structural integrity, and how finding balance in these we can create a better health and well-being. 

Nutrition Therapy

At Sanoviv, food is medicine. One of the cornerstones of our work is using food and nutrition as therapeutic tools to help achieve your health goals. Our diet is based on 100% organic whole foods, eliminating the most common food allergies, such as gluten and dairy, designed by nutritionists to suit your health needs and prepared by chefs for your enjoyment. (low glycemic, organic, gluten-free, dairy-free diet, plus daily juice)


This therapy is available in our bio-energetics department at Sanoviv. This is a biofeedback device used to determine which frequencies of sound, as well as the accompanying weak pulse electromagnetic fields, cause a response in a patient’s autonomic nervous system. This promotes relaxation, muscle re-education, and can be used for pain relief, reduction of inflammation and improvement of immune system function. It uses pulse biofeedback magnetic wave frequencies using either pulse-guided support, or pre-set programs recommended by your Sanoviv doctor. 

Organ preserved surgery

This can be done with either a full tumor removal or a biopsy.  Essentially, a piece of the tumor containing cancer cells is preserved so that it can be used to create specific tumor vaccines or antigen therapies.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy can enhance your antioxidant enzymes, improving your ability to modulate oxidative stress, improve delivery of oxygen, activate and modulate immune and growth factors, increase the release of nitric oxide, generate super-gifted erythrocytes, and release stem cells.  Ozone therapy can be administered in several ways, including IV (Major Autohemotherapy), rectal insufflations, and more.  Medical ozone is also used to disinfect and treat disease.  The mechanism of action is by inactivating bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune system.

Psychology – Stress Relieving Therapies

Our psychology department focuses on supporting health and healing, especially through teaching our guests how to create relaxation and how to relieve stress. Stress and relaxation, which are biochemical responses in the body, can play an active role on how our body responds to healing therapies. Relaxation supports healing, as it signals that the body can focus on healing and repair. Stress, especially too much of it, signals that the body needs to stay active, focusing part of our energy and attention away from healing. We will help you find the right tools to create balance in this part of your nervous system.

Pain Management (Advanced)
PC Protocol

The Pc Protocol offers safe and effective detoxification methods for the Brain and the Central Nervous System.  It uses targeted supplementation and intravenous therapy to stabilize the health of the cells, the brain and the body, and is particularly suited for those suffering from neurological conditions.  The protocol features physphatidylcholine, a core element of healthy human cells, and other nutrients to  stimulate neurological detox and healing.


This is a procedure where quantities of blood are removed, and the plasma is separated from the blood cells.  Plasma contains most of the unwanted foreign pathogens, antibodies, and toxins, so removing this can help patients with sensitivities or autoimmune conditions. The plasma is replaced with Albumin or saline, and mixed with the remaining blood cells, then restored to the body. 

Photon Laser Therapy

This therapy is available in our bio-energetics department at Sanoviv.  Infrared rays stimulate your metabolism, promoting the elimination of toxins that accumulate in your cells, such as: carcinogens, heavy metals, toxic substances from processed food, etc.  It helps to stimulate brain waves through alpha waves to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression.  It can also reduce pain, regenerate tissue following surgeries, and help with bruises, cellulite, and skin-muscular discomfort.  Device from Germany.

Psychology – Stress Relieving Therapies
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

PRP is a process of enriching platlets from the patient’s own blood sample by centrifugation, and reinjecting, as microinjection, very superficially below patient’s own skin. It stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, revitalizing the skin, resulting in a younger, smoother and better skin.  PRP is one of the most innovative regenerative medical tools in anti-aging medicine.

Rectal Insufflation Ozone

This therapy can enhance your antioxidant enzymes, improving the capacity of your body to modulate oxidative stress, improve the delivery of oxygen, activate and modulate immune and growth factors, increase release of nitric oxide, and generate super-gifted erythrocytes. This also releases stem cells in the body, although at lower levels than other ozone therapies, which is advisable as an initial therapy.  The process consists of applying ozone in the rectum, and then it’s absorbed and taken to the portal vein to have a systemic effect on the entire body.

Regional Hyperthermia

This is a targeted heat therapy used mainly for tumors and inflammation. Research has shown that high temperatures can damage cancer cells with minimal damage to normal cells; consequently, this can help reduce the size of tumors. We use the state-of-the-art Celsius 42 loco-regional hyperthermia equipment from Germany, which focuses targeted heat to specific regions of the body.  In addition to weakening tumors, Regional hyperthermia can also be used to potentiate and activate other anti-cancer therapies.  It can also enhance treatments for other illnesses.  The Celsius system uses radiowaves to produce the heat response and target it directly to the specific area of the body to be treated. 

Rife Therapy

This therapy is available in our bio-energetics department at Sanoviv. Rife Therapy delivers frequency resonance at the identical intensity known to match with the natural frequency oscillations of the particular microbes and organisms causing the disease in the patient, causing them to distort and disintegrate from their own structural stress.  Electrical impulses work at specific frequencies and the nerve/cell level, to help release toxins from your body.  It also offers many options for pain, stress, and anxiety.

Specific Tumor Antigen Immunotherapy

A specific tumor immunotherapy is created from the patient’s own tumor tissue, usually following a surgery or biopsy. It stimulates the immune system to recognized and attack cancer cells.  Tumor-specific antigens are proteins or other molecules that are found only on cancer cells and not on normal cells. These antigens can help the body make an immune response against those specific cancer cells. They may be used to guide the immune system to kill more cancer cells. Tumor-specific antigens may also be used in laboratory tests to help diagnose some types of cancer.  Our tumor specific antigen therapy can enhance the immune response to produce a specific antibody against the antigens your cancer cells are expressing.  A biopsy helps our laboratory to identify and investigate the antigens, and then develop the antibodies to fight against these antigens. This therapy is non-toxic, since it only targets the antigens on your cancer cells.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy is one of the most exciting and promising areas of medical advancement in the 21st Century. These cells can differentiate into many different cell types to regenerate and renew damaged or diseased cells. Stem Cells may help with numerous chronic or degenerative conditions, including: chronic pain, degenerative joints, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune conditions, cardiovascular disease, Crohn’s, and more. Stem Cells can repair and rejuvenate tissues damaged by many health conditions. They also have the potential to slow the aging process for improved performance and a more youthful appearance. At Sanoviv, we have carefully researched potential sources to provide the highest quality cells. Learn more


Superimmune IV Cocktails

At Sanoviv, we have many proprietary IV formulations designed to boost the immune system and speed your healing.  If recommended for you, the specific formula will be selected by your doctor.

Super Tuning

This therapy is available in our bio-energetics department at Sanoviv. Magnetic waves, laser color and therapeutic frequencies of sound stimulate and scan your energy field and determine what areas of your body requires grounding energy. Sooner or later, most of us experience “deviations” from these natural and health-supporting frequencies.  Super Tuning System is detecting and balancing fundamental switching errors in the organism’s triggering and control system.  Often used for Balancing biological clocks, jet lag, harmonization, sleep issues, etc.  Device from Germany.

Surgical Procedures

Surgery is always the last option considered for a Sanoviv patient.  However, there are times when surgical procedures are necessary, including times especially when cancer can be isolated and successfully removed, or when tumors are interfering with body processes.    Surgical biopsies and organ preserving surgeries (for use in creating antigen therapies) are also available.  Surgery in some cases is the ideal treatment modality since removing the tumor when it is localized is curative in certain circumstances. We have the specific type of surgeries for every cancer and the safe oncologic approach needed in each case. From an open approach to minimal invasive laparoscopic procedures we will perform the procedure indicated in each case without altering the bodies normal functions, recovery is enhanced by using our supportive therapies to help each body heal faster and with less pain.

Targeted Cancer Therapy

Putting an anticancer agent (immunotherapy, low dose chemotherapy, antigen therapy, etc.) at the site of the cancer, usually by injecting it directly into the tumor).

T-Cell Modulation (TCM) Therapy

T-Cell Modulation therapy is a type of immunotherapy using donor peptides. The peptides are derived from shark and crocodile spleen. Crocodile peptides are considered to be 10 thousand times more potent than those obtained from a human, and Shark peptides can be up to one million times more potent. TCM is directed to increasing lymphocyte (white blood cell) population in tumor regions so the immune effect can be potentiated.  The job of these peptides is to turn off those interleukins that are producing inflammation and at the same time stop the disease. In some cases, we will use a combination of shark, crocodile or blue scorpion.  It is administered as an IV, followed by booster doses at home.


Thalassotherapy at Sanoviv is a succession of pools filled with seawater, at different temperatures, to stimulate detoxification.  Alternate between hot and cold plunges, this therapy stimulates the lymphatic flow, promotes detoxification through the skin, and provides a deep sense of well-being when resting between the sessions. Learn more

Therapeutic Massage
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy
Vitamin C IV

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant when obtained from a healthy diet, or taken as a nutritional supplement.  But, given in high doses as an IV, it can have an oxidative effect designed to attack pathogens and may even weaken cancer cells.  Vitamin C IV therapy is intended to produce many reactive oxygen species like peroxide, that can help restore balance in chronic infections and provide therapeutic support for cancer patients. Sanoviv uses pure non-corn sources of Vitamin C. 

Whole body hyperthermia

Whole Body Hyperthermia Therapy refers to the medical use of heating the whole body to achieve an elevated core temperature for therapeutic purposes.  It can be used a primary or complementary treatment for many conditions, including chronic infectious diseases such as Lyme, cancer, mold toxicity, etc.  It can also be used to support and potentiate other types of therapies.  Learn more


Each program focuses our assessment and treatment tools towards a specific health issue and your individual experience with these health issues.  You can find more about our programs here.

Contact a Health Advisor

If you feel that your specific health issue or area of interest does not fit into any of these areas, please contact us to speak with a friendly admissions person.  They will be happy to answer your questions and provide information.

Health Concerns

We practice individualized medicine in a Functional Medicine model, you can find more about the most common health issues that we treat at Sanoviv here.

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