

FAQ’s Frequently Asked Questions 1. -How can I become a patient at Sanoviv? The first step is to speak with one of our friendly admissions coordinators who will answer your questions and help you to begin the process. You will be asked to fill out an online...

Health Concerns

Health Concerns Health Concerns We are the hospital whose staff is fully trained in Functional Medicine, giving us a perfect structure to integrate medical doctors, dentists, chiropractors, nutritionists, psychologists, massage therapists and fitness experts to help...

Medical Programs

Medical Programs In our experience, we have found that each individual is different and needs a personalized approach to be effective in their healing. We also understand the need of a potential guest to know beforehand what they can expect during their visit. This is...


Therapies & Treatment Options Sanoviv Medical Therapies Listed below are a few of the cutting-edge therapies available at Sanoviv. Keep in mind that some treatments are not appropriate for every individual. Your Sanoviv doctor selects the most suitable ones based...

About Sanoviv

About Sanoviv Sanoviv Medical Institute “Sanoviv combines cutting-edge diagnostics, nutrition, detoxification and medical treatments in a luxurious setting, making it a model and healing center for the 21st century.” — Alternative Medicine Magazine...