A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences discusses the potential to genetically modify different varieties of wheat to contain less immune stimulating glutens (prolamins) for patients diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease.
Is this dangerous? If we look at other examples of genetic manipulation to grains and damage now being linked to them, the answer is yes. The problem with genetically modified foods is that they have never been adequately studied to be safe. There are too many unforeseeable consequences, and there is no way to adequately determine safety in humans without performing long term comprehensive research with humans. Most likely, introducing a new species of grain into an already sick population will create many more problems than solutions. Some research links the cross breading of wheat to the increased gluten toxicity that we currently face.
Wheat supplies about 20% of the total food calories consumed worldwide; and is a national staple in many countries. Besides being a key source of plant proteins, it is also a major cause of many diet-induced health issues, especially Celiac disease. The only effective treatment for this disease is a total gluten-free diet.
Looking Beyond Gluten – Genetically Modified Foods
In recent years, the popularity of the gluten free diet is definitely on the rise. One of the reasons why it works well is because so many people are gluten sensitive; but are there other reasons why going on a TRUE gluten free diet can be so helpful? The following is a list of additional reasons why a gluten free diet can be beneficial:
- A TRUE gluten free diet eliminates all grains and therefore eliminates a bulk of genetically hybridized and modified forms of food from the diet.
- Eliminating gluten/grain reduces the dietary exposure to toxic fungicides, herbicides, and pesticides. Many of these chemicals are known to contribute to autoimmune disease and hormone disruption.
- Eliminating gluten/grain improves the omega 3 to omega 6 balance in the body – this balance regulates the process of inflammation and has a profound effect on joint and muscle pain.
- Eliminating gluten/grain reduces the quantity of digestive resistant lectins. Many of these food compounds hinder digestion and contribute to inflammatory reactions in the body.
- Eliminates multiple chemical additives. Most grain products contain a laundry list of ingredients that are not suitable for human health.
- Eliminates excessive carbohydrate consumption. The human body is not designed to run on a high carbohydrate diet. One of the major reasons we see obesity and diabetes increasing in epic fashion is the hyper consumption of grain based carbohydrate foods. Despite popular belief, excessive grain consumption will not reduce your risk of heart disease.
Why do we assume that grain is such a healthy food?
The Food Guide Pyramid recommends large quantities of grain as a staple food in the diet. Why? Did you know that the U.S. Government mandated that processed grain products be fortified with vitamins and minerals in 1943? The reason? Processed grains caused nutritional diseases like Beri Beri and Pellagra (vitamin B1 and B3 deficiency respectively).
Detrimental Qualities of Grain (Including Whole Grain)
- The seeds are doused with chemical hormones and pesticides like atrazine to aid in growth. These chemicals mimic estrogen and cause hormone disruption in both men and women.
- Low in the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA (omega 3)
- Poor source of complete protein
- Contain enzyme inhibitors
- Contains addictive proteins that can alter behavior, mood, and contribute to mental dysfunction
- Contain anti nutrients that cause malabsorption of minerals
- Contain autoimmune inducing peptides and lectins
- Cause sodium and water retention
- Cause excessive insulin response leading to weight gain and diabetes.
- Breakfast = Cereal, donuts, bagels, cereal bars, tortillas, toast, pancakes, etc.
- Lunch = Sandwich breads and other types of “buns”, and whole grain crackers
- Dinner = Pasta, pizza, breaded chicken fingers, hamburgers, etc
- Snacks = Goldfish, whole grain crackers, drinks and fruit snacks loaded with corn syrup (yes, corn is a grain – not a vegetable).
Our children are fatter and sicker than they have ever been. According to statistics and recent published studies, half of kids today are overweight.
What Can You Do?
- Become educated and make healthy diet changes for you and your family today.
Here are some additional resources we recommend.
Non-GMO Shopping Guide to help you identify and avoid foods with GMOs.
This is so interesting! Being informed is the first step to living a healthier life. Thank you for this great information!
I just want to know if I have permission to translate and transfer to friends at large?
Thank you
Usana #2023930
Yes, of course.
Be well.
Thank you for doing this research. It strengthens our efforts in creating healthy eating habits. Helping others by sharing this information will be fun.
This is a helpful article. But I am confused by the statement “A TRUE gluten free diet eliminates all grains”, because it is my understanding that some grains are “gluten free”. Would you please clarify this?
All grains contain gluten, but rice for example, contains rice gluten and this is generally not the gluten that will cause autoimmune reaction in those with celiac or gluten sensitivity, unless it is cross-contaminated. We have also seen that when people eliminate gluten grains, they tend to overeat gluten-free grains, which can be high-glycemic and may promote a sensitivity to these grains. The following link provides a complete list of gluten free grains and hidden sources of gluten. That is always a good place to start, but be careful about quantity, when it comes to gluten-free grains.
Is it mean that eating grains everyday actually not good for health?
Thank you for Reading and commenting to our article,
Overall consuming the same food everyday is not the best for you and your immune system, we do have to eat a diverse diet to have a balanced intake of nutrients and phytonutrients. When it comes to grains it all depends on if you are healthy ( Not celiac, Diabetic, Metabolic Syndrom, liver disease or any other chronic condition) and also it depends on quality of the grain. Most grains out in the market are processed and stripped from all their nutritional benefits, leaving only a negative reaction this meaning a glycemic effect causing glycation. Look for the best quality available, this means not processed at all, full of fiber and nutrients.
Portion and time of day also comes in to play, so you see there are many variables that we do have to take in mind.
Remember, like everything else you do want to diversify, have different grains, or have a day without grains and see how you feel. If you think you have a sensitivity the best thing that you can do is an elimination diet, it is what we call the gold standard test of food allergies, remove all grains for 1 month and see how you feel. Then you can introduce one grain at a time back into your diet and see how your body reacts to each specific grain.
What about organically grown grains? Are they safer?
Good Afternoon Janet,
Quality will be better, this means no pesticides, herbicides or fungicides, from the initial product. I don’t know about the seed since organic labeling has various loopholes. If you purchase processed grain it is most likely that the product will contain less nutrients, the best option will always be a whole grain.
If you are wondering if you are sensitive to any grain the best thing is to avoid them for a period of a month and then reintroduce them and monitor if you have any symptoms.
Take care!
Just had a discussion the other day & I didn’t have all the info. This is great! Now I’ve got ammunition. Thank you for the info.
My wife is Gluten free as we speak. I have continued to eat grains until now. It seems valuable to take actions that potentially prevent toxins from entering our bodies. This is valuable information. Thank You!
Thank you Sanoviv for summarizing the facts about grains, and particularly genetically modified grains, so eloquently.
So many people I meet – patients in my practice, fellow doctors, family and friends – still believe that cold breakfast cereals must be healthy if they are “fortified” with vitamins; that cornflakes are a healthy breakfast while boiled eggs are an unhealthy one, and that pesticide residues on our foods don’t make a difference to our health.
Thanks to Dr Wentz, USANA Health Sciences and Sanoviv, I know better, and shock my contacts with the facts, hopefully inspiring them to live healthier lives.
Together we can beat the obesity and diabetes epidemic and support the vast numbers of people who complain of lack of energy because of their high GI eating habits…
Dr Alison Grimston
Thanks Donny. Great article and it was a pleasure to see you last week.
Without a doubt, this is the best information I’ve read on this subject.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Suggestions for what to eat for breakfast that is filling? What is served at Sanoviv?
Thank you for Reading and commenting on our article,
If you are interested in following the Sanoviv diet, you can find healthy ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the following webpage:
Thank you so much for making a statement on GMO’s. I have been helping to get an initiative I-522 for labeling of all foods containing GMO’s on our state ballet this year. Yeah! It will finally be on the ballet in November. Now we just need to educate people to vote for the labeling so that they can have a choice in what they purchase. http://www.labelitwa.org
Estos atículos son muy interesantes para comenzar una una alimentación sana, por lo que agradezco que nos hagan llegar este tipo de información y sigan haciendo más investigaciones; agradeceré que me hagan llegar el nombre de un nutriologo(a) aquí en Guadalajara, Jalisco;México. Que manejé los productos de usana.
Agradecemos su comentario a nuestro articulo.
Definitivamente no hay mucha información acerca de la intolerancia/ sensibilidad al gluten en México, así como usted lo comenta es algo de lo cual tenemos que tener más educación, muchas condiciones como la tuya pueden ser efecto secundario a un alteración del sistema inmunológico causada por una simple proteína. Actualmente en México el mercado se encuentra en un estado deficiente de opciones para personas con enfermedad celiaca o sensibilidad al gluten, en su mayoría los productos procesados contienen gluten de alguna manera como ingrediente.
Puede encontrar un poco mas de apoyo en la siguiente página:
Podemos sugerir que la manera más fácil e ideal de evitar alteraciones digestivas e inmunológicas es evitando todos los cereales, lácteos , productos derivados de la semilla de soya y papa, por un periodo de un mes, esto lo que nosotros llamamos la prueba de oro para intolerancias alimenticias, las proteínas de estos alimentos son similares en estructura a la del gluten, el cuerpo no reconoce y crea una reacción similar.
Oscar Puig
Nutritionist & Food Service Supervisor
Now I understand that the gluten itself is not the culprit but rather the industrialization of wheat. So often my European friends say they can eat wheat in Europe and feel fine, but when they return to America, it makes them sick. I know they are stricter about food production in Europe. Are you familiar with why the wheat is so much better in Europe?
In the US and Canada, there is gluten added to the wheat to increase the protein content. More ancient varieties of wheat are often used in Europe. However, with Celiac disease ALL wheat must be avoided. Check out the book “Wheat Belly” for a good historical look at wheat and its evolution.
You’d get better traction with your research if we had a share button to repost this info.
Hello, and thanks for your comment. If you want to share our posts with others, please LIKE us and follow us on Facebook at Sanoviv Medical Institute.
Be well.
There is a doctor in Chicago who graduated from MIT who claims that she can prove that autism is a direct result of GMO products. Since NO ONE knows where all this autism is coming from I am betting that she is right.
Thank you! Perhaps it’s not too late for my 14 and 16 year old children. I am 65 years old. Would stopping now be beneificial?
Yes, stopping now and taking a gut repair formula like GI Revive available at http://www.sanoviv.store.com would be of great benefit to your health. Be well. Peace