Fluoride – By Dr. Abdiel Uriel Márquez López
Fluoride is toxic, and there is enough of it in one standard tube of toothpaste to kill a 20-pound child. It is a waste product of the aluminum and fertilizer industries. When it is introduced into a living body, fluoride acts as an enzyme inhibitor that interferes with cellular function.
Fluoride is, and always has been, listed as a lethal poison in the Merck Manual, the standard manual on diseases and toxins used as a reference by all physicians. Another unknown fact is that worldwide studies have proven that adding fluoride to drinking water is not effective in reducing or preventing tooth decay. After all, fluoride is used as a rodenticide and insecticide. It is interesting that, in 1944 the American Dental Association (ADA) took the position that 1.2-3ppm (parts per million) of flouride in drinking water caused osteosclerosis, spondylosis, osteoporosis, goiter and brain damage.
A regular toothpaste has 1,450ppm when the National Institute of Health recommend 1ppm. We can find fluoride in: Dental care products (mouthwash, toothpaste, dental floss, topical fluoride, etc) steel, aluminum, high octane gasoline, computer circuit boards, pesticides, refrigerant gas, Teflon, waterproof clothing, bricks, fertilizers, drugs (Prozac and Cipro), microwavable popcorn bags, hamburger wrapping, and uranium for nuclear weapons.
Recent studies confirmed that high doses of Fluoride causes cognitive deficits, dental fluorosis, sores in mouth, joint stiffness, retarded behavior, lowering of IQ, higher rates of cancer, birth defects, osteoporosis and in particular hip fractures. Sanoviv’s dental department practices fluoride-free dentistry and does not recommend fluoride, especially topical fluoride, the gel that traditional dentist apply at the end of a prophylaxis, that gel has up to 10,000ppm the same dose found in a “sensitive teeth” toothpaste.
References used: Whole Body Dentistry – By Dr. Mark A. Breiner D.D.S.
Thank you for this info! Much appreciated!
Removing fluoride from drinking water is not an easy task to convince our politicians to do. The community have been successfully conditioned for decades that fluoride is good. WHO graphs show no difference in rates of tooth decay in countries with and without fluoride. The problem facing politicians is what to do with the toxic waste (which fluoride is) once removed from water supplies.
Here in Western Australia we have started a grass roots campaign to remove fluoride and are facing similar obstacles to the move to ban tobacco advertising 40 years ago. Australians who read this blog can connect here: http://www.facebook.com/FluorideFreeWA
My dentist gave me a special fluoride toothpaste for receding gums. Help! What are some other, more healthy options? Thanks for the wonderful info!
When you have receding gums your roots will be exposed, producing sensitive teeth. Mostly to thermal changes (hot and cold) that is the reason why traditional dentists prescribe fluoride toothpaste, we would need to know the reason your dentist told you to use fluoride toothpaste.
He said it was because my roots are becoming exposed, and they were trying to prevent further exposure. Thank you for helping!
I was also “diagnosed” with receding gum lines and threatened that I would eventually need gum grafts if my oral health did not improve. I was reprimanded for brushing my teeth to hard. I tried every soft bristle toothbrush and mechanical toothbrush I could get my hands on to help with this problem. I was also given prescription fluoride toothpaste that I was told would improve my situation but in reality made it much, much worse. That was almost 3 years ago. My receding gum line has actually totally & completely corrected itself once I introduced high quality, pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements into my daily routine as well as throw away everything in my house that contained fluoride, including getting an RO filter for my water and throwing away teflon coated pans. Keeping my teeth and protecting my health and the health of my family was worth every penny. I only use a fluoride free toothpaste that I get from USANA Health Sciences, I use fluoride free dental floss and I no longer use any type of mouth wash. My dental visits are always a breeze now, I no longer get reprimanded instead I get praised for how good my teeth and gums are.
Que macas o tipos de pasta dental se reccomienda para ninos pequenos de 2 y 3 anos?.mis ninos se tragan la pasta porque no saben escupir y me preocupa lo del floruro.yo me lavo los dientes con una mescla de bicarbonato y aceite de coco pero ellos no aceptan gracias
Thank yo for the link to the Facebook flouride page for Australia! I will keep up with it.