The Healing Gifts of Nature

The Healing Gifts of Nature

Human well-being depends on nature and its benefits, which are free and accessible every day, everywhere. Think about walking in a beautiful park, strolling barefoot on a sandy beach, planting a summer garden, or dashing in the rain to seek cover. Connecting to...
A New Meaning of Spring Cleaning

A New Meaning of Spring Cleaning

Spring is a time for renewal, growth, and spring cleaning. The days are longer, and the temperature is warmer. Our emotions are lifted by extra light and the opportunity to invite more changes into our lives. This is the time of year when we feel energized and ready...
New Year’s Goals for the Soul

New Year’s Goals for the Soul

So it’s January again and instead of setting that same “lose weight,” “start exercising” goal, why not choose some New Year’s goals for the soul? With so much negativity in the daily headlines, it is not surprising to see more illness worldwide. Here are some ideas...