All Sanoviv's Articles
7 Reasons to Stop and Smell the Roses
By Karen Langston CN In the infinite wisdom of the body, we find that there are two distinct pathways that respond to the inner and outer world: One, that is meant for protection and getting our body ready to respond to a perceived danger. The other, is meant to help...
The Sanoviv Integrative Approach to Cancer
At Sanoviv, we see the importance of a balanced approach to cancer therapies. Not All standard treatments are bad and not all alternative treatments are good. In fact, we believe it is important to incorporate the best of each approach into an integrative therapy....
The Importance of Cholesterol by Alberto Isaac Meza MD
Cholesterol is a vital molecule, without which all of us would die. It has been demonized by the makers of statin drugs and as a result, most people have become conditioned to avoid foods containing cholesterol. This is a big mistake that can place a bigger burden on...
Sanoviv – Hospitality, Friendship & Guidance
Here at Sanoviv Medical Institute high quality hospitality is one of our guiding principles. Our dedication to this philosophy is what sets us apart from other medical institutions around the world. You will feel the warmth and kindness as soon as you are picked up...
Franken-grains (genetically modified grains)
A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences discusses the potential to genetically modify different varieties of wheat to contain less immune stimulating glutens (prolamins) for patients diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or Celiac...
Flossing Before Brushing?
Did you know? Flossing before brushing gives you an opportunity to clear out the space between teeth, which will allow the toothpaste to do its job more thoroughly. Furthermore, it loosens all of the food particles and bacteria that will be washed away while brushing...
What is Colon Hydrotherapy ?
Colonics are an extended and more complete form of an enema. The process involves infusing warm filtered water into the rectum with the objective of cleansing and balancing the colon. Colonics help remove fecal material from the colon walls, and dilutes the bacterial...
Staying Young and Healthy
by Daniela Colin MD & Sue Ward, MS Aging is a natural process that begins the minute we are born. Organism aging is noted by the body’s declining ability to respond to stress and the increased risk of disease. Cellular aging occurs due to damage to our...
Healthy Product for November Dry Skin Brush & Brushing Techniques
Dry Skin Brushing for Better Health Important facts about your skin - The skin is the largest most important eliminative organ in the body and is responsible for one quarter of the body's detoxification each day. The skin eliminates over one pound of waste acids each...
The Human Body – Part 2
Restrictions! What restrictions? That was the question that was left unanswered in the last part and hopefully we will address a response in this part. Thus far we have talked about the nervous system being the first part of the body’s systems to form in the growing...