All Sanoviv's Articles
New Year’s Goals for the Soul
So it’s January again and instead of setting that same “lose weight,” “start exercising” goal, why not choose some New Year’s goals for the soul? With so much negativity in the daily headlines, it is not surprising to see more illness worldwide. Here are some ideas...
The Sanoviv Approach to Breast Health
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time when a myriad of information about breast cancer prevention surrounds you. You may have even participated in a local walk or run event to raise money for breast cancer research. However, you may not be getting...
Cellular Nutrition: The “Sanoviv” Way
Dr. Myron Wentz states, “Cellular nutrition means ensuring that the cells of our body receive all the nutrients they need for performing all cellular functions, repairing and regenerating structures, and preventing oxidative damage.” With this in mind, Dr. Wentz...
Laughter as Medicine
Learn how to harness the powerful health benefits of laughter and humor. Laughing triggers healthy physical changes in your body and can strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, reduce pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. “Your sense of...
Food as Medicine: The Benefits of Ginger
Ginger is the root or underground stem (rhizome) of the ginger plant, which has a long history of use in Asian and Indian cuisine. Historically, the benefits of ginger include being very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. It is referred to...
Eat Your Way to Healthy Joints
Eat Your Way to Healthy Joints Joint pain is no fun and can keep you from enjoying an active lifestyle. It is possible to eat your way to healthy joints and decrease inflammation and joint pain. Your joints, much like your body, require nutrients in order to...
Gluten Free – Ginger Snacaroons
Here is a new recipe from the Sanoviv Kitchen - By Donny Ward Gluten Free - Ginger Snacaroons Makes 35-40 yummy treats! 3 tbsp fresh grated organic ginger4 cups organic coconut shreds or flakes2 large organic cage free eggs (beaten) or 4 organic egg whites½ cup...
Fitness Classes
Fitness and exercise to improve and support health Assisted Stretching A static assisted stretching session that is meant to support your health by: Creating a deeper state of relaxation. Maintain range of movement in specific areas of your body. Promote healthy...
Summer Fun Food
By Karen Langston The last of the lilacs fragrance waft in the cool, late-spring air, the tulips are withering away and jasmine fills the night. The lazy-filled days of summer, which include barbeques, picnics and beach day get-togethers, are finally here. Food is an...
A Healthy Gut, A Healthy Body
By Karen Langston CN Your body is made up of approximately 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) micro-organisms and your intestinal tract has about a thousand known species, good and bad. In fact you have more bacteria in your body than cells (about 10 trillion). More...