All Sanoviv's Articles
The Sanoviv Spa and its Wonders
The Sanoviv Spa has a lot to offer. While some may consider spa treatments unimportant in healing from chronic disease, nothing could be further from the truth. Spa treatments can serve various purposes and are a key element in the healing process. They can help you...
The Beauty of Cholesterol: The Most Misunderstood Molecule
People with high cholesterol live the longest. This truth may be difficult for the average person to understand since conventional nutrition "experts" and the media have unfairly demonized this natural, life-sustaining molecule. To fully understand the importance of...
Spring Cleaning Makeover
Spring is a time for renewal and growth. The days are longer, and the temperature is warmer. Our emotions are lifted by extra light and the opportunity to invite more changes into our lives. This is the time of year when we feel energized and ready to improve our...
Walk Yourself Well
Physical activity is vital for overall health, mainly to prevent or overcome a chronic disease. However, we currently have an epidemic of physical inactivity that is taking a toll on our body weight and health. Consider starting a walking routine to boost your health....
Understanding EMF Exposure and Its Health Impacts
"Cells in the body react to EMFs as potentially harmful, just like to other environmental toxins, including heavy metals and toxic chemicals. The DNA in living cells recognizes electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure, and produces a biochemical stress...
40 Tips for Fat Loss
If you want permanent fat loss, Sanoviv recommends avoiding trendy diets. Instead, try some simple tips to help you identify eating and lifestyle habits that you can adopt. Here are 40 ideas to lead you to a healthier and leaner body. Consider choosing 4 or 5 of the...
Q&A With Sanoviv Oncologist, Dr. Ramses Ortega
Dr. Ortega is truly a unique oncologist here at Sanoviv. I’ve had the pleasure of working near his desk for a few years now, and I often overhear his phone calls with potential cancer patients. I am generally intrigued by his responses to their questions, and now I...
Nutrition-based Beauty
Something miraculous happens when we improve nutrition; we look better. If you stand and look at yourself in a mirror, most of the physical imperfections you see can be corrected with nutrition, exercise, and overall lifestyle. For many, looking better can be a...
Your Extraordinary Mouth Microbes
Did you know that you swallow about 140 billion bacteria that seed your gastrointestinal tract with microbes from your mouth each day? We carry around trillions of microscopic bugs that live in and on our bodies. These microbes live all over the body: on the skin,...
If You Knew Then What You Know Now . . . Life Regrets
Ask someone in their 70s, 80s, or beyond this question, and you’ll be certain to get a heartfelt response. What are most people's life regrets? Here are some common responses: Spend more time with family and friends Forgive or make amends. Take more time for myself....