All Sanoviv's Articles
Lyme Co-Infections: Why Some People Struggle to Heal
Many patients with Lyme disease are treated only for their Borrelia infection but sometimes continue to struggle with symptoms. One reason for this is that the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, is often accompanied by other bacteria, viruses,...
What is Mold Illness?
Mold illness is considered the original environmental illness and is most commonly associated with water-damaged buildings or homes. It is estimated that over 25% of all buildings in the U.S. have sustained water damage....
Indoor Air Pollution: How to Reduce Hidden Harms
Indoor air pollution is a threat to human health and is responsible for 3.8 million deaths annually. Since most people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors, mainly in the workplace, schools, or at home, it’s important to identify and reduce harmful pollutants....
What is Long COVID Syndrome?
This syndrome, otherwise known as Long Haul COVID or post-COVID, refers to persistent or emerging symptoms following an acute COVID-19 infection. It is a complex and often debilitating disorder that can affect many systems of the body. More than 200 symptoms have been...
Change Your Habits to Take Charge of Your Health
Every January, the New Year arrives with a renewed commitment to exercising, eating better, losing weight, saving money, and more. These are typical “New Year’s Resolutions.” We all know that resolutions are destined to fail unless turned into habits. One report...
Top Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season
The holidays are intended as a joyous time of celebration and positive emotions such as happiness, gratitude, and high spirits. However, for those who lack time, and money, or become caught up in the excesses of the season, this time of year may be quite stressful. It...
Alcohol and Health
This is a good time of year to explore alcohol and health. The holiday season is right around the corner – a time when people generally eat more, drink more, and loosen their boundaries when it comes to healthy living. The thought process is often, “I’ll just enjoy...
Food as Medicine: Cancer-Fighting Foods
Many people today are confused about diet, especially when it comes to cancer prevention and cancer recovery. The "sugar feeds cancer" concept has caused many to avoid fresh fruits and other critical nutrient-dense foods such as whole grains and other beneficial...
Build a Strong Immune System Using Lifestyle Medicine
The past two years have taught us that a strong immune system is essential to good health. From COVID-19 to autoimmune diseases to cancer, building immunity is the best way to promote a better outcome. Are you ready for the next "cold and flu" season or the next...
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cell therapy is a promising area of medical advancement in the 21st Century. What are stem cells, and why is this an exciting therapy in medicine? Stem cells are found throughout the body in different types of tissue. These cells, commonly known as adult stem...