All Sanoviv's Articles
Feel fresh with a Daily Detox
Feel fresh with a Daily Detox Now is the season of awakening. In the flowering trees and noisy birds, we feel spring all around us. Why not feel it inside, too, with a detoxification program - a cleansing for your body and mind. Your body is not unlike your car - an...
Change your attitude, Change your Results
CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE- CHANGE YOUR RESULTS by Mark Victor Hansen Our inner image of ourselves and what we want to accomplish in life makes us become what we were meant to be. We have each created the lives we are living now through our beliefs we have established...
Vain about veins?
When Your Legs Look Like Road Maps When I was in high school, mini skirts were in style. Not that I personally know what it feels like to wear one. My mother raised children the old fashioned way, which meant she protected my modesty by insisting that the hems of my...
Is There Poison In Your Mouth? Mercury-Free Dentistry at Sanoviv Medical Institute
Is There Poison In Your Mouth? Mercury-Free Dentistry at Sanoviv Medical Institute May 27, 2005 “The controversy regarding amalgam fillings has been raging for over 100 years. Yet one thing is clear: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety...
Mouth Full of Poison – The Truth about Mercury Amalgam Fillings
At Sanoviv’s state-of-the-art Oral HealthCare Center, we understand the important relationship between oral health and overall health. We also understand that neglecting these dental health problems may jeopardize the successful treatment of other, more serious...