All Sanoviv's Articles
Let’s Learn About Lymph – Part 3
Bravo for you for putting time aside to learn about your lymphatic system! While you’re reading, give your body a little wiggle, rotate your ankles, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Know that you are stimulating your lymphatic system each time you move – and...
Let’s Learn About Lymph – Part 2
Like the ocean washes the sand underneath, so does lymph wash our cells. Our responsibility is to create the tides within our body so the lymphatic system can work effectively. In our previous post , we learned about basic functions of lymph and the lymphatic...
Let’s Learn About Lymph
Every guest room at Sanoviv offers a rebounder, or mini trampoline, to improve your health. Rebounding stimulates our lymph system, increasing the number of white blood cells and encouraging more effective waste removal from our bloodstream. This post is the first...
Organic answers
At Sanoviv, every ingredient of every meal we serve our guests is organic. We grow our own organic wheatgrass indoors, and outdoors there is an organic garden in our front lawn. We buy our animal protein only from certified organic farmers. We do, however,...
Look at me – I am polish free!
When I was young, I surreptitiously used my toes when I had to count higher than ten. These days, I know to count on my feet to help keep me healthy. They are my primary mode of transportation, my foundation for exercise, and the keeper of pressure points that...
Vitamin D, The nutrient of the decade
The so-called sunshine vitamin is poised to become the nutrient of the decade, if a host of recent findings are to be believed. Vitamin D, an essential nutrient found in a limited number of foods, has long been renowned for its role in creating strong bones, which is...
Food for Thought and More
Omega-3 fatty acids are a hot topic in the world of nutrition right now, and for good reason. These healthy fats are in the spotlight because they are food for your thoughts… literally. Omega-3 fatty acids can have an amazing impact on the way a brain develops early...
Juicing for health and healing
A good juicer and organic produce will allow you to enjoy a wealth of nutrients. Fresh juice helps us increase energy, strengthens the immune system, and facilitates healing by supplying the raw materials that help our body heal, repair, and renew more quickly and...
Living with Mindfulness – Managing Stress
Reactions to stress can have a negative effect on health. It can lead to high blood pressure, a rapid resting pulse rate and can cause heart rhythm disturbances. Reactions to stress can weaken the immune system, which then, leads to a variety of illnesses. It is...
Bone Health
Healthy bones are so important, but we don’t usually appreciate them until they start to lose their strength. Often, bone health suffers because people don’t understand what really makes lifelong strong bones. Although a focus on adequate calcium is important, two...