All Sanoviv's Articles
Why Wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass is a variety of grass used for its therapeutic and nutritional properties such as blood purification, liver detoxification and colon cleansing. It is the subject of much medical interest and research. Wheatgrass is one of the highest chlorophyll foods in...
Release your facial stress now
The following is a repost of a guest entry on the Everyday Inspirations blog. Enjoy! Your face is the first place someone’s eyes rest when they meet you. It is the mirror of your internal experiences – housing your smile, tears, and the words you use to communicate...
The Cycle of Fat
From Sanoviv’s free webcast, “Hormones and Weight Gain”, featuring Dr. Armony on March 1, 2011. Chronic stress leads to: Increase in body production of the hormone cortisol and insulin ... Which… Increases appetite ... Which… Increases the risk that you will not...
The ABCs of Teeth
STEPS TO HEALTHY TEETH AND GUMS Taking care of your mouth equals taking care of your body. The more steps you can incorporate into your routine, the cleaner your mouth will be. Please do not believe misleading television advertisements that suggest using mouthwash...
Healthy Travel
Travel Safe and Sound A couple of months ago, we asked our Facebook Fans for advice on staying healthy while traveling. They came up with great ideas and we’re delighted to share some of them with you. Sue: Stretch as you go, bring some USANA Nutrimeal bars for snacks...
Healthy Hydration
[youtube=] Your naturopath, physican, and family all urge you to drink more water. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! And they are correct. Many of us are fortunate to have many sources of water from which to...
Life Improvement
Dr. Lanzagorta, Sanoviv’s Chief of Energy Medicine, had a brief illness in early 2011. He is completely recovered now, but a conversation we had remains in my memory and in my heart. Elaine: Buenos Dias my friend. Are you improving today? Dr. Lanzagorta: I am...
Energize and Alkalize!
How you wake up your body can affect your entire day – and often the day of those around you. What is the first thing you should do when you open your eyes? Hint – it is NOT checking social media. S-T-R-E-T-C-H every muscle in your beautiful body. Point your toes...
Mind Body Facts
The mind-body connection is often discussed in ethereal, theoretic terms. Here are the facts: Your brain is part of your body. The same part of your brain that houses motor skills and the ability to talk and think also houses your emotional response. Your gut is part...
All you ever wanted to know about Coconut Water
Coconut water, is from “young coconuts.” It is a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. Consider it “nature’s Gatorade.” It's the fluid of life, so to speak. In fact, during the Pacific War of 1941-45, both...