All Sanoviv's Articles
Get Ready For a Berry Good Summer
With summer just around the corner, berries of all types will soon be plentiful. Berries are among the healthiest foods you can eat. They are high in antioxidants and have an enormous amount of nutritional value. Blueberries are packed with Vitamin C and fiber. They...
Non-dairy Calcium Champions
Many people choose to eliminate dairy for their diets for a variety of reasons. This can create confusion. How much calcium do we really need? What are the best non-dairy sources of obtaining enough calcium in the course of a day? Calcium is important for strong...
Serve up pain relief with tennis balls
Pain relief can be as simple and inexpensive as knowing how to use tennis balls to ease tension and trigger points. Ballerinas have long been known to carry tennis balls with them for those occasions when they need help fast. The balls can be used to effectively...
Bend and Stretch, Reach for the Sky
"Stretching... You do it when you wake up in the morning. Baseball fans do it in the seventh inning. Animals do it after a nap. There's nothing like a good stretch. It's normal, it's natural, and it feels great. And more and more people are discovering that stretching...
The Clean Fifteen … and The Dirty Dozen
We all know that organic foods are healthier for us but very few of us can afford to go 100% organic overnight. We wonder where to begin and if it's an all or nothing proposition. Luckily there are some easy guidelines that can help you get started. According to the...
Why Lymphatic Massage?
Imagine a treatment that could improve your immune system, make your skin look fresh, reduce swelling in your ankles, lessen feelings of anxiety and depression and stimulate your immune system. Sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it? Fear not, such a treatment...
Side Effects May Include Radiant Health
“Chew Your Green Juice - - - it’s the most persuasive drink you’ll ever have. *warning: side effects may include radiant health.” – Lynn Walker McKinven Lynn is a certified Health Educator, Raw Foods Chef, Public Speaker and Owner of Lynn Walker Living Well, LLC. ...
Natural Headache Help
According to the National Headache Foundation, there are more than 150 types of headache, with the tension headache being most common. Causes of headaches vary widely, but every headache has one thing in common - it is painful. Most people reach for analgesics,...
Top 3 Travel Snacks
Last year, I flew more than 100,000 miles through countless time zones. Being an adventurous eater, I always look for the local specialties, like the calcots in Barcelona. But the one place I try not to eat the local food is on airplanes. The average meal served on...
Mock Potato Salad For a Crowd
"It's summertime in the Northern Hemisphere, and the livin' is easy..." School is out, sprinklers are on, and outdoor dining opportunities abound. Potato salad is an old favorite but frequently made with mayonnaise and eggs, both of which easily spoil in hot weather....