All Sanoviv's Articles
GET STARTED with Physical Activity – Stretching
By Ruben Guerena – Physical activity professional at Sanoviv Medical Institute Ok my fellow bloggers, how are you doing so far? I truly hope that the information we are sharing with you, encourages you to get up and work on the most beautiful thing in the world…...
A Good Night’s Sleep
Sleep is thought of in many different ways as evidenced by these quotes through the ages: “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.” ~ Irish Proverb ~ “There is only one thing that people like that is good for them; a good night’s sleep”...
Another Sanoviv Success Story – By Aaron Mlnarik
This is Aaron before treatments and education from Sanoviv. When I was 27, my health began to change in ways that stumped my doctors. It began, I thought, with a bout of mononucleosis. I was also experiencing anxiety attacks and digestive issues. My doctors...
Sanoviv Kitchen Recipes – Infused Oils
Infused Oils (dressings, marinades, sauces) Infused oils make great bases for salad dressings, marinades and sauces and are rich in flavors. Simply use a tablespoon or two of the infused oil and then squeeze some fresh lemon over your salad. Be sure to store these...
GET STARTED with Physical Activity – Walking
By Ruben Guerena Physical Activity Instructor – Sanoviv Medical Institute If you read last week’s post, now you understand the benefits of physical activity. The GET STARTED fitness program was designed thinking of you. That’s right! Even if you have never exercised a...
“Get Started with Physical Activity”
Introduction to the GET STARTED with Physical Activity Program By Ruben Guerena Physical Activity Instructor - Sanoviv Medical Institute Fitness conditioning has long been employed as a means of enhancing and strengthening athletic capacity and performance. In the...
Understanding Salt
Understanding Salt: A Vital and Misunderstood Nutrient by Sue Ward, MS CCN Salt is an essential dietary nutrient. Without it, life itself would not be possible since all living things utilize salt. Even the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (450 BC), known as the...
Sanoviv Kitchen Recipe’s, Pumpkin Spice Nutola
Sanoviv Recipe Series Today we are featuring our newest “Nutola” recipe, this version of our ‘grain-free’ breakfast/snack food has quickly become the favorite amongst our guests and employees. We invite you to make a batch at home and tell us what you think! Pumpkin...
Sanoviv Kitchen Recipes – Wild white fish medallion
Today we offer another guest favorite recipe from the kitchen at Sanoviv. It is easy to prepare and deliciously healthy. Please enjoy. - Sanoviv Kitchen Recipes - Wild white fish medallion with zucchini tagliatelle and avocado puree (Serves 4) Ingredients • 4...
Sanoviv Kitchen Recipe’s, Flax Seed Nutola
Welcome to the ‘Sanoviv Kitchen Recipes’ series! In this series I will post recipes that we use here at Sanoviv Medical Institute to nourish our guests and our employees. Many of these recipes are created here by our chefs. Here is a recipe for Sanoviv Nutola,...