Mind/Body Therapy

The Mind/Body Therapy Department is founded on the concept that the physical body is affected and directed by the epigenetic environment outside the cell; one that we largely create by what we eat, how we are affected by stress, and our habits of thought.
Epigenetics is the field of study focused on how the inner environment of our body influences genetic expression; it tells us that our nutrition, stress, and emotions can modify our genes (and that these modifications are heritable). Some of the most powerful external signals that influence the health of our cells are the energetic messages which emanate from our thoughts
Through the research conducted by Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Candace Pert, we have learned how cells receive and process information. Implications of this research radically changed our understanding of life, showing that genes and DNA do not control our biology; instead, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.
There are three basic divisions of our brain:
- The Brain Stem is the lowest portion, concerned with survival. It causes reactions in the body when we think that something is threatening our safety or well-being. These reactions change the balance in our physiology.
- The Middle Brain, which contains our Limbic Nervous System is responsible for sending signals to our organs and glands according to the types of thoughts we are thinking. The organs and glands release chemicals such as hormones, into the circulation in response to those signals. The chemicals released create reactions and responses in the body. What we call “emotion” is the chemical translation from thought to reaction in the body. An emotion is always “felt” in the body. Every signal to release a hormone into circulation comes from the Middle Brain. Hormones regulate all of our body systems and contribute to states of balance or imbalance.
- The Limbic System is also where memories are stored, yet the Middle Brain has no concept for time. It cannot discern the difference between past, present and future. Memories, as stories from the past, are not stored in chronological order, but are stored by similarity. The Limbic System cannot deactivate a memory unless it receives information from the higher brain that the story is no longer happening. As long as a story is active it can be triggered to send signals to the body to react. This is why in cases of unresolved emotional trauma, a person can be triggered by everyday events and find themselves reacting in a way that they cannot control with their thinking, rational mind.
The highest portion of the brain is called Neocortex. This part of the brain can tell the difference between past, present and future. It can create new thoughts. It solves problems, learns mathematics and languages but only processes a fraction of the information that can be processed by the Middle Brain. When there are chronic negative thought patterns starting in the Neocortex, the Limbic System will signal the body to create a chemical translation (emotion) that is felt in the body. This is designed to get the attention of the Neocortex so that it will be motivated to change the type of thought into something more balanced or positive.
If a current stressor is encountered in life, the Neocortex will create thoughts, the Limbic System and Brain Stem will respond and the body will receive chemical messages that create reactions. Once the stressor has passed, only the Neocortex knows because it can tell time. It will send a message to the Limbic System where the story is stored (“not happening now”) and the story will be deactivated by the action of the parasympathetic nervous system. All reactions and responses will be brought back into balance.
If a stressor overwhelms the Neocortex; if the problems cannot be solved, the state of overwhelm (freeze) occurs as the Brain Stem activates the survival reactions. During this state of overwhelm, the communication pathway between the Neocortex (problem-solver) and the Limbic System (reactor) will be blocked. If this happens, once the state of overwhelm ends and the Neocortex is again managing thoughts, none of the new messages can reach the story where it is stored in memory. What results, is an active memory that can still be triggered into reaction.
Mind/Body therapies are designed to restore communication between the Neocortex and Limbic System where memories are stored so that old trauma can be deactivated and no longer stress the body with the human stress hormones (Adrenalin and Cortisol).
These therapies can be used to identify specific blocks and imbalances created by an interruption in balanced communication between the brain and body. The therapies effectively release toxins created by these imbalances. Corrections made at this level can have positive impacts on immune function, quality of sleep, level of chronic pain and inflammation, detoxification, recovery and regeneration and more.
Much of our time in Mind/Body Therapy is spent teaching our guests new tools that they can use to release stress and trauma and maintain a healthy balance in perspective and habits of thought. Learning how to be present with the body signals and cultivating awareness of the presence of imbalance, empowers the individual to regain health and happiness.
Many different modalities of treatment may be used in each session, depending upon the needs of the individual. Our objective is to offer opportunities to heal old trauma, change negative habits of thought and restore balance in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life.
A few examples of the types of therapy used are:
- NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique) identifies NEC’s (Neuro-Emotional Complexes) created when memories remain active and can be triggered. When the NEC is triggered, it can cause disruption in the function of the body in many ways. It can create patterns of thought and behavior that affect every aspect of life. The goal of NET is to restore communication between the Neocortex and the Limbic System to deactivate the story that is affecting the quality of life.
Recent FMRI Brain Studies done at Thomas Jefferson University Medical School have demonstrated the powerful healing effects of NET for cancer survivors who had PTSD as a result of the cancer experience. - NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a therapy that teaches the individual to learn the bio-chemical response in the body to the language used in everyday thought patterns. Learning to discern the effect of specific language use by focusing on the physical (somatic) reaction in the body empowers the guest to consciously choose words and alter their habitual inner talk to language that supports healing and balance in the body.
Body Code is a system of identifying and correcting imbalances in the body that are divided into 6 main categories:
- Energetic
- Circuitry
- Toxins
- Pathogens
- Misalignments
- Nutrition and Life-Style