
At Sanoviv’s state-of-the-art Oral HealthCare Center, we understand the important relationship between oral health and overall health. We also understand that neglecting these dental health problems may jeopardize the successful treatment of other, more serious diseases. Because of our commitment to whole body health and healing, we offer a unique Mercury Detoxification Program. This exceptional program is available for anyone wishing to have his or her dental care performed at Sanoviv – the safest place on earth to have your amalgam (silver) fillings removed.

Millions of people worldwide have it right in their bodies, reeking havoc in every cell. 72 tons of it is placed directly in the mouths of North Americans each year.

It can contribute to major chronic degenerative diseases including heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, kidney disease, and other neurological diseases, just to name a few.

Is it in your mouth? It might have been put there innocently by a well-intentioned dentist many years ago. But now, more and more research is showing that this toxic substance may be causing untold damage to your entire system. And the only way to eliminate the risk is to eliminate the substance from your body, safely and thoroughly.

The substance is Mercury. Mercury is the most toxic, non-radioactive heavy metal on the planet. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there is no known safe level of mercury for humans. The tiniest amount of mercury entering the body can inflict widespread damage to cells, tissues and organs.

While mercury can enter our bodies through many environmental avenues, the W.H.O. data shows that mercury released from amalgam fillings is, by far, the primary source of exposure. In fact, the W.H.O. estimates that exposure from amalgams is 6 to 7 times greater than exposure from fish or other food sources and 400 to 500 times the level of exposure from the environment.

“The controversy regarding amalgam fillings has been raging for over 100 years. Yet one thing is clear: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration have both declared the mercury in amalgam fillings as a toxic, dangerous substance, that should not be touched or released into the environment. OSHA requires that dental amalgam materials be stored in unbreakable, hazardous waste containers, away from heat and no one should handle amalgam material without protection.

If OSHA has determined that the mercury release from amalgam is so dangerous that it can’t be touched, then why in heaven’s name are we putting this stuff in our mouths?” ~ Dr. Myron Wentz .  Mercury’s most profound health damage is inflicted upon the central nervous system, the tissues in the brain and spinal chord. We now know that mercury from amalgam/silver fillings can contribute to many health problems. Most frightening perhaps is that mercury can pass through the placenta of a pregnant woman and infiltrate the fetus’ central nervous system. Mercury from amalgam fillings can also pass from breast milk to a nursing newborn. While it is possible to remove amalgam fillings and replace them with a safe, non-toxic composite, removal must be done using a rigorous protocol in order to eliminate potential mercury exposure when taking out the fillings.

Because of Mercury’s extreme toxicity it will not be enough just to have your mercury/amalgam filings removed and replaced. In order to ensure that you have done everything possible to eliminate mercury as a health issue, Sanoviv’s protocol involves doing much more than just removing the source of the problem.

When you choose to have your amalgams removed, you will be examined for amalgam fillings and tested for harmful mercury vapor using our high-tech mercury vapor analyzer. If necessary, additional tests will be recommended to help determine whether mercury has accumulated in your body. A treatment plan will be developed to determine the best approach to removing and replacing these toxic fillings. We will also provide you with a scientifically designed Mercury Detoxification Program. This program may include “chelation therapy” – an intravenous therapy that will help flush the body of mercury. It may also include anti-oxidant supplements, antihomotoxic medicine, colonic hydrotherapy and lymphatic drainage massage after every amalgam removal treatment.

These processes provide the best opportunity for your body to rid itself of mercury that has accumulated in your tissues and organs. In depth studies show that individuals who have had their amalgam fillings removed report marked improvement in their health over a series of weeks and months.

“I feel passionately about letting people know about the hazardous effects of mercury from amalgam fillings. So passionately that I’ve written and published a book titled “A Mouth Full of Poison”. In it, I scientifically document why mercury in your mouth is so terribly toxic. I urge you to take advantage of Sanoviv’s unique Oral Health Program. We offer the most advanced amalgam removal and detoxification program available today. Maximize your chances for a long and healthy life. Talk to our admissions department and learn how you can get the poison out of your mouth – Today.”

For more information about Sanoviv’s mercury-free dental programs or detoxification solutions, visit our web site or contact us today.